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TeleBirr Mela

Use Telebirr Mela to get instant loans upto 36,000 ETB

Diaspora Account

Bank of Abysinia

  • USD Saving
  • 9.5% Interest
  • 100 USD Opening Balance

Youth Account

Dashen Bank

  • Saving
  • 7.5% Interest Rate
  • 25 ETB Opening Balance

Z-Club Banking

Zemen Bank

  • Saving
  • 8.5% Interest rate
  • 500,000 ETB Minimum Monthly

News Hub

Explore our curated selection of articles covering market trends, economic insights, and investment opportunities, providing expert analysis and timely updates to help you navigate the dynamic world of finance.

Money 101

Money 101: Your Path to Financial Empowerment. Access fundamental financial concepts and practical tips to enhance your financial literacy and make informed decisions for a secure future.

  • Master budgeting and saving essentials.
  • Manage debt and build credit wisely.
  • Take charge of your financial journey with ease.
Budgeting Basics

Learn how to create and stick to a budget to effectively manage your income and expenses.

Saving Strategies

Explore various saving techniques, from setting financial goals to establishing an emergency fund.

Understanding Credit

Discover the importance of credit scores, how to build credit responsibly, and ways to maintain a healthy credit profile.

Debt Management

Gain insights into managing debt effectively, including strategies for paying off debt and avoiding common pitfalls.

Investing Fundamentals

Delve into the world of investing, understanding different investment vehicles, risk management, and creating a diversified portfolio.

Financial Planning

Develop a personalized financial plan to achieve your short-term and long-term goals, covering topics such as retirement planning, insurance, and estate planning.

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We strive to update our content regularly to ensure it remains current and relevant. Updates may vary depending on the nature of the content and changes in the financial landscape.
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